I read on a blog how this woman was getting worried about the amount of porn her boyfriend was watching. He’d be up in the early hours of the morning and late in the evening, while she was supposedly asleep, and surf porn sites. She wrote that he was virtually obsessed, and he would get defensive whenever she mentioned it to him.
After confronting him about it over a short period of time, he eventually ‘normalised’ until he no longer surfed porn sites at all. She was actually frightfully worried about his ‘deviant’ tendency, and asked fellow bloggers to comment on the subject. I’m not going to go into the comments, suffice to say that this blog server has an 80/20, female to male ratio of bloggers.
Personally I see no harm in people watching or reading Porn.
It is Porn, as seen from a female perspective, that I have a problem with. Some women feel the reason why their better half watches porn as an inadequacy on their part. Maybe I don’t give him what he wants; maybe he wants women with bigger breasts, or perhaps younger women. Blah de fuckin blah.
Whatever the reasons for their thinking, I’m going to tell you the secret, so the few women that actually read this fucked up blog can go home tonight, and relax, knowing that all is well with their hubbies, and that he’s not a deviant sexual predator, or kinky leather-and-bondage freak.
Apart from a small percentage of men whom enjoy sex of a ‘deviant’ nature or crave for “The kinkier the better” –pleasure zones, the majority of us just love woman, and everything they consist of. In flesh that is. I’m not going to elaborate on loving the spiritual and the mind and all that, as the sole purpose of this article is carnal.
Men love women. That is the crux of the matter. We love your bodies, with their small impurities, blemishes and shortcomings. After all, we are not perfect either, and not counting the ‘over-comb of the bald-spot’ bothering some men, we get along with our bodies quite well, and just wish that you would do the same. The reason we watch porn, is… yes you guessed it! There are naked women. Sometimes there are two or three, or even more together, but we don’t care. They’re women and they’re naked.
Since loosing my virginity at an early age, I’ve had the pleasures of an array of women. Some were stunning, some average. A few leaned towards plumb, and some were rather thin, but I enjoyed the sex with each and every one of them. Can they say the same about me? I would have difficulty believing that. Most of our inadequacies as men stem from the high expectations women have of us. Since childhood they’ve been under the spell of the “White Knight Syndrome”. Someday my knight in shining armour will come, etc, etc. Leaving us with a mountain to climb even before we attempt the first kiss.
It therefore goes without saying, that Porn is also a learning curb for us. It’s an easy stepping-stone, without the rejection and mood swings. I can say without a doubt in my mind, that porn has made me a more versatile lover, and will continue to help many a pimply, pubescent boy on his way to manhood.
Ease up a bit. Perverts may click on the photo