My dreams are all dark. They've always been. I can't remember that I've ever had happy dreams. Dreams of sunshine and beaches.
I dream of mountains, dark mountains. I'm high up in trees. Dark Trees. Trees so high they touch.. nothing. I'm standing or walking on high walls, rooftops and visiting Malls that are high up in the mountains. Always end up in this one store. A sort of hardware store. It's always dark. There's a woman that also walks there in the store. She's looking at the displays, touching things. She has very long, dark hair. I go up some stairs, and then I'm outside, high up in the mountains. It's very green and the branches of the trees are swaying. I'm high up, and when I jump, I land in a pool. The pool is so deep. The water a dark blue-green. I dive deep down, but see no bottom. I keep diving.
My air runs out, and I wake up.
I've had this dream forever.
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