Take for instance this scenario, which played itself out on the motorway going home yesterday;
As we join the highway at Kibler Park going south towards Alberton, the traffic almost immediately slows down to a crawl. B and myself already discuss alternate routes and decide to leave the highway at the first turn-off at Randhart and cut under the highway, using a different route, which we’re both familiar with.
So we crawl along and finally we reach the turn-off at Randhart. I look a bit further and see that directly after the turn-off the traffic is flowing smoothly again. What the fuck was the reason for the congestion?
A truck had gone off the road at the on-ramp to the highway, completely out of site. Only a total fucknut, who just happened to crane his neck to near breaking point, could have noticed it. Now everyone was slowing down to stare at the accident.
On the top photo - Orange Arrow:Traffic. Yellow Arrow: Accident (Click on photo to enlarge for better view)
Total time wasted travelling 5km: 20 minutes.