Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The three Symbolisms in Chi

The Black Rose
Represents my love-hate relationship with Anarchism.

I believe that people should be able to govern themselves and their land, not through political representation, or government legislation, but a grass root tribal system. It’s that Anarchic foundation that I believe in. The capacity to express the millennia-long aspirations of peoples to create their own self-administered social structures, their own forms of human consociation by which they can exercise control over their lives.

It is the Punk-rockish idea of lawlessness that I deplore, and which is much to blame for people and governments misconception of fundamental Anarchism.

The Half Buried Sword

The sword symbolises the laying to rest of my violent past. My newfound love for intellectual dialogue means I lay my destructive nature to rest and embrace a dispassionate tolerance for stupid people.

It does not symbolise the ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ analogy, which as a realist I find unable to believe.

The sword is only half buried as a symbol of my willingness to defend my freedom, by way of necessary force.

And the antiquity of the sword represents the violent history of my ancestors.

The Fallen Cross
Represents my disbelief in Christianity and all religions in general. It does not symbolise ungodliness or Satanism.

I believe Christianity has lost its direction in almost every aspect of modern life, and no longer represents spirituality or the belief in a righteous God. Although I’m non-religious, I still believe in a single God, without the trinity and the idolising of inanimate objects.

I simply do not wish for Christianity to be my representative to God, and I despise the fanaticism associated with most other religions.

Find the three symbolisms that represent your life. Past Present or Future.


Catherine Rossetti said...

This is an interesting post Chi. You've aluded to most of this in previous posts, but it's good seeing it together. A snap-shot of where you are in time. What you believe in, who you are..

I should do this sometime.

michele said...

Glad I came to visit again.

Truly awesome post. I shall contemplate and try this.

Warrior Dog said...

Again, thanks for visiting Pebs,

Just remember you could add as many symbolisms as you want.
