Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fishing - The Biker Way

This past weekend saw us going on our second annual fishing trip. This time we tried the Klipdrift dam near Fochville, and actually managed to catch some fish. We are all natural fisherman, of course. We bait, chuck it in and get on with the partying. We don't watch the lines 24/7, and leave the fish to do all the work. If the fish can't take the line by themselves, well that's just dandy.

Besides, there's some catching up to do. We don't see each other often enough as it is.
It was mostly about good friends, beer and a variety of herbs.Someone even invited the local muso from their Pub to join us, so the music was live, and I must say very good.We had stunning SunrisesAnd equally stunning sunsets Okay, someone did watch the lines, so now and again.


Catherine Rossetti said...

Looks like a glorious weekend Chi :) Beautiful photos!

And this made me laugh: [If the fish can't take the line by themselves, well that's just dandy.]

The man in the last pic (watching the lines) reminds me a lot of my cousin that died earlier this year. Same look.

Have a beautiful day.. and Chi, thanks for visiting my blog when I was away. For missing me :)

Warrior Dog said...

Welcome back Catherine,

Thank you for your comments.