Monday, May 05, 2008

Play it down..

Who can say I should not be excited?

Our local country restaurant is undergoing a revamp and the premises are being upgraded and enlarged. Big deal you say?
But then out of the blue the owners approached me and said they would like me to do photographic prints to adorn the walls. The theme would be local history and there will be between 30 and 40 photos required.

It never quite dawned on me what an honour it is just to have your work recognised; a well done here, and a Wow here and there on my Blog, and a 'good show' from few photographic clubs on the web made me feel very proud.

I've never seen my photography as worthy of quiting my job and going it alone, so to speak, but this gives me the opportunity to put my work on display and that in itself is more than I could ever have dreamed of.

The financial gain is minor and insignificant against how good I feel this morning.

Wish me luck.. I'm going to need it.


Black Macros said...

You don't need luck, you just needed an opportunity. Grasp it with both hands and run with it.

(Good luck with finding all the scenery you need. hehehe)

Warrior Dog said...

Thank you.