Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Workers Rights vs. Animal Rights

As the Security Strike goes into it’s second month of insecurity, I wonder whether the government had any idea what they were letting themselves into, when they decided to include the ‘right to strike’ clause in our constitution.

Let’s face it, it’s one thing to be considered (by the government) to be the most liberal and democratic country in the world, but quite another when you have to balance liberal freedoms against actions that verge on anarchy. The constitution is very clear about the fact that although strike action is legal, it must be conducted in a peaceful manner and within legal parameters.

Yet, every single strike I’ve witnessed on the news or in person had gone beyond anarchic. Thousands upon thousands of strikers roam the streets with total disregard for property or person. Rubbish bins are upended, cars are damaged, windows smashed and buildings vandalised. Certain individuals defecate and piss in the streets and bystanders are taunted for adverse reactions.

What the fuck! I believe you have the right to ask for wage increases or better working conditions if that is what you need to better your productivity and your living standards, but fuck me, do it in a way that reflects the good of a democratic society.

No, strike action shouldn’t be legal. You shouldn’t be allowed to behave like a fuckin animal and damage and destroy property at you or your union’s whim. Who the fuck do you think pays for the damage after you and your cronies have been on strike action? The very fuckin companies that you’re assigned to ‘Secure’.

After all is said and done, the wage increase is negotiated in boardrooms and courts, not on the street, with pick-axes and screaming like fucking animals. If you had to include the damage that the strikers do into the wage negotiations, you wouldn’t get a fuckin raise at all, would you now? But that’s not what the cunts think of when their Unions let them into the streets to behave like animals.

Viva democracy, Viva!


Anonymous said...

There is no need to be disrespectful to others' properties. It makes you wonder sometimes what kind of people they are and how they figure the actions can be justified. Are they so mad that this is the only way they know how to protest? Also, do peaceful protests ever get more attention than violent ones? It's not that it would justify their actions, but the media eats it up, people get scared, quicker actions are demanded. Pretty sad...

Warrior Dog said...

I believe peaceful protest can grab attention.
I'd take notice if twenty thousand people walk down the street airing their views with placards and loudhailers, without any voilence.
-"Mmm these people are serious, and well organised. Maybe we should hear what they have to say" -