Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Chained to Stone

I awake to the morning
the sun breaks through the
soft haze of newly-formed mist

shadows start to play
slowly creeping nearer
the edge to my bed

as i rise a painful throb
in and near my heart
a slow building pressure

i know what it is
years of self-righteous isolation
a dam waiting to burst

reach for the sharpness of steel
so near my side; as if placed for
a purpose

press ever deeper through bone
then marrow as blood begins
to trickle.. a pool by my side

ever deeper.. it seperates into softness
a sudden burst and relief sets in
i rise and wipe away the tears

another life awaits


Unknown said...

this is beautiful... so, so beautiful. a seamless extension of cohen's words.. i long for that release..

Warrior Dog said...

Thank you Belinda.