Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Belinda

I know it's a bit early
But I write today
so you will know
I'll think about you tomorrow
The Waterfall by Megan

Waterfalls are beautiful in every little way,
They help us out by cleaning out the places where we play.
It always keeps on rushing, tomorrow and today,
It makes us feel beautiful too, in every little way.


Unknown said...

This is just the sweetest thing... Don't have internet access at home, so only saw it today. THANK YOU SO MUCH A. I truly, truly appreciate it.

There is this waterfall down Barry Hertzog that I used to love as a child.. this reminded me of that.

Hope you enjoy your week away. It's different going on holiday by yourself, but also very good. You only please yourself, which is great. If I don't see you before then, have a beautiful Christmas dear friend.


Warrior Dog said...

I'm glad you liked it Catherine,

You have a wonderful time and enjoy the festive season.