Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sleepless in Daleside..

Hanging in there..

Shit, but this is soo difficult. I hardly slept last night. My thoughts mill around smoking and cigarettes all the time. Every minute is a fight against the urge.

I got home last night and removed the last traces of my habit in the house. Ashtrays out, lighter packed into the Survival camping kit and trash thrown out. Then watched tv and chewed tooth-picks till 2am this morning. Finally fell asleep around 2:30 or so. Back up with the alarm at 04:30. I've got the recovery time table up in front of me in the office, and so far I've reached two milestones:


20 minutes - Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temeperature of your hands and feet(don't ask?) will all return to normal.

True - I'm less out of breath, and even though I am relatively fit, I can breathe deeper than I use to.

12 hours - Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal.

True - I feel less "toxic" Really! It's difficult for me to explain, but my sinuses feel better, I no longer sniff all the time and although I still have an occational cough it's less bronchital. I'm also not as tired as I used to be either. Normally by 8 or 9pm I'm dead on my feet. I hardly ever finished watching a movie with B in the past.

Fuck! The crucial milestone only occurs around the two week mark when(they say); your body will have rid itself of the 3500 or so chemical particals and 500 gases present in each and every puff. Your body can again function without nicotine.

I will do this.