Friday, August 12, 2005

The Meaning of NO.

So, we get there on Friday, and this guy with a blue school blazer walks up to me and asks me for a cigarette. Now, when someone asks you a question in that way it leaves you open to two choices. Either Yes or No. I've been planning this trip for a long time, and worked a lot of overtime to save up, so that I can have enough beers, cigarettes, food and spending money. If I give this guy a cigarette he'll be back tomorrow for more, and then maybe a beer here and there, and before long I have to start begging. So I thought, Fuck him, and said No. Man, the look on his face. Then he proceeds to argue with me. I told him that he left me the choice and I said No. What the fuck is up with that? Anyway he must have told the rest of his buddies, because from thereon, only my buddies were approached by beggars. The other fuck-nut I had the displeasure of meeting, was a chap called 'Scott'. I apologise if he's your buddy, I'm sure he's a nice enough chap when he is sleeping. However, if you are just there to drink and smoke yourself into stupidity, you've already missed the point, and should stay the fuck away from me. Don't get me wrong, I was quite tanked up, and sampled a few drags here and there as well, but when you become an idiot, you should go and sleep it off, rather than make your name poes. So that's my short and sweet on Oppikoppi.
Thank you all again for visiting my site. I hope the photos brought back memories of a good weekend. I trust some of you will continue visiting, and please leave me a comment. It's good to know what you guys think as well. Now fuck off and get back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nope. it wasn't me. saw your pics and realised that its the same guy that i thought was the most fucked dude at oppikoppi. i hope i never see him again.