Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cage-proof clothing

For the past 4 months I've been going to work in a car, and my perception that drivers in Gauteng are idiots, persists. There are always bikes on the road and I (obviously) always, make space for them to pass. It's just fuckin logical aint it? A bike is able to weave between traffic, and it's simple courtesy to let a faster vehicle pass, no matter whether it's a ten ton truck or a Pasola.

Well, I thought this is how our brains compute in an overcrowded society.
Not in Fuckin Jo'burg it doesn't. Here in Jo'burg it's fuck the rest, I'm the best, and if you get in my way, I'm gonna pull some motherfuckin roadrage on you. For those of you who are as gifted as I am, and posses more than 2 braincells, and understand simple mathematics, the following is quite obvious:

When you are merging with traffic, you should be doing exactly that, merging. Stopping at the junction of Highway and onramp, waiting for a gap, is gonna get you nowhere. You are an idiot.

If you are on the Highway and you do not allow traffic to merge from the onramp, you are an idiot.

If you are doing 80km/h in the right hand lane of the highway in a 120km/h zone, people will bunch up behind you and cause a traffic jam. You are an idiot.

The shiny thingy's on both sides of your vehicle, are called mirrors, together with the one in the middle of your windscreen, they have the amazing ability to reflect the rear view to the left,right and centre of your vehicle. You can actually see motor vehicles AND motorcycles approaching, and make way for them to pass. If you didn't notice, you are an idiot.

Just because motorcycles are sleeker and more manoeuvrable than a car, and get their owners to their destinations faster, doesn't give you the right to push them off the road.
Deliberately weaving your car across the road as they approach is dangerous, and makes you a super-idiot.

It's been proven on every track in the world; motorcycles are faster than cars. Your 406km/h Bentley is not gonna get you to Sandton faster than me. Unless they ban ALL other cars from the road. So stop dicing me, I just want to get to my home/office. Your an idiot.

You work for Auto & General Insurance. In the claim, the driver notes that he didn't see the bike coming/going. Unless he stole his licence, and never went for a test, he should know about his mirrors. There are three of them, not including the neck's amazing ability to twist left and right. He's lying, and if you believe him, you're an idiot.

Apart from safety wear, a motorcyclist has no protection around his body. If you hit a motorcyclist with your car, he's gonna get hurt, even at low speeds. If you have choices, hit a car or pole. It's going to cost you some money, but at least it's not culpable homicide.

Moving slightly to the left on a road to let a motorcyclist pass, is going to earn you tons of respect in an otherwise ungrateful world.

To the government. Fuck you and your disrespect for motorcyclists.

We save you tons of fuel, every year. - Where's the rebate on fuel?
We don't damage the roads. - We pay the same toll as a vehicle weighing over a ton. Why?
We don't cause traffic jams. - Where's the special lanes for bikes only?

These are just a few of the small things we do to make your job easier, and still we are persecuted by your Citizens and Police Force.

And after trying to stay alive in a constant battle against cars and their inconsiderate owners, you go and erect 'fuck-you-bikers' fences all over the place. Do you have any fuckin idea in your rabbit-size brains what those fences can do to a biker. I've seen a car ripped in half, injuring the driver inside. What chance does a biker have. Are you fuckin mad?
So fuck you!

To my friends on bikes, out there braving the fuckers everday. I salute you!


Anonymous said...

So because you choose to ride a bike we must all wake up, Its not just about you. You should watch out my BMW is bigger than your bike, When you fall I dont get hurt but you do. so who needs to be careful here?

Warrior Dog said...

Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Keep hanging around, just one more step..

Anonymous said...

Sorry Andre I was having you on


Warrior Dog said...

You're not helping the cause at all.