Thursday, June 26, 2008


I’m lying on a bed of broken glass
Memories of our life spread all around me
But as I try to recall, they all turn to black

My life an empty canvas, ready to transform
and as I reach for the colours from our past
these too fade to black

I know I gave it everything, as you gave me
the clothes from your back, and still I see you
there in the shadows, just out of reach

The once beautiful, turning to marble and steel

As the colours fade between you and I,
and the world turns back to black

I clear the bed of old, and lay a crisp white sheet


Unknown said...

This is too personal to comment on..

But it made me think of a movie I saw recently, it's called "Awake" the last 30 minutes has some of the best cinematrography I've ever seen. As he dies, he walks home (you'll have to see it to understand) and as he walks, it's like someone switches off a light behind him, first each city block as he passes, then the lounge, then the staircase as he goes to his room, and finally his room, leaving him in complete darkness. Everything becomes black. And then, just as the last light turns out, his mom lights a match..

Warrior Dog said...

It's okay,

I'm in a kind of Love Limbo. Not sure about how I feel one moment, and then the next I'm angry, and then again sad. And just when I begin to work it out of my system, I walk into her yesterday, and everything's back to square one.

I soon as I find the opportunity I'm going to have to move away.

Warrior Dog said...


I'll have a look out for the movie. I love cinematography that tells as much a story as the dialogue.

Unknown said...

I mentioned that window once, a while back, looking in on a life you once knew.. maybe you're looking through that window now.

I can't begin to offer advice.. just keep breathing. Do what you need to do to make it bearable for you.

There's another window waiting somewhere, one where you belong.