Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fuck.. fuck.. fuck!

Yesterday when I got home I prepaired some food for the two puppies, and went down the garden to the den where they sleep.They were nowhere to be seen, and I thought they had been stolen.

Upon further enquiry I was told that our maid had taken them for two kids in the neighbourhood. I was very pissed off as the one puppy was mine, and I had told her not to take him. I phoned her, but she assured me she had just taken the one puppy and left the male behind.

Then this morning my friend phones and tells me they had found the puppy, but that he was dead. Apparently he had gotten out of the den and fell in the pool. They found him this morning while cleaning the garden.

I am feeling rather sick in my stomach at the moment. He really was such a beautiful little thing.



Unknown said...


Ah Chi... I am so very, very sorry.

Warrior Dog said...


I've sorta had time to deal with it. My knowledge of animals tells me he went looking for his sister shortly after she was taken, and wandered into the pool area.

The sadest thing was having to bury him.

I'm okay now, thanks.

Unknown said...

He went looking for his sister... how beautiful and sad.

Take care friend.